Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mark 12:30: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."

Typical Bible Drill verse. Every VBS, every Sunday School class forever and always has taught this verse. And rightly so. It's a great one. Sometimes "over-used" verses can kind of annoy me... I know, I know, I shouldn't be annoyed by the Bible - I just mean that they are said so much that it's hard to remember how important they are and you just kind of think "I already know that one" and move on about your day over looking the meaning you once found to be so beautiful. This verse wasn't one of the "annoying" ones, but I have heard it quite often and I've had it memorized for longer than I can remember. And I think the reason it wasn't one of those "over-used" verses for me is because rather than over looking the meaning, I never truly discovered it in the first place.

I have a few friends that, if asked, could tell you exactly what God has been teaching them over the past few months, or even years. And for these friends, the theme of what the Lord has been teaching them remains constant. God is consistently working in their hearts and bringing to their mind one theme as He deepens their relationship with Him. Anytime you ask them "what are you struggling with?", or "what has God been teaching you lately?', they always answer the same. Not to say they aren't learning or growing, but that for whatever reason or for whatever future circumstances may arise, God is diligently working in their lives to grow these areas and strengthen their reliance and dependence on Him.

For one friend it's love. What does it mean to truly love? And to be loved? And to trust God with that love? See, for her it's about the heart. Over the past year and a half to two years the Lord has been showing Himself to her in big ways. Showing her that He is all she needs. Showing her that no matter what her earthly relationship status may be, He is constant. He is ever-present. He is always there and always will be there. He's been showing her that love isn't just for a significant other. It isn't just for close friends and family. It's for everyone. It's for the weirdos and the creeps. It's for the annoying children and the people that don't speak English very well. It's for everyone. She's learning what it means to love the Lord her God with all of her heart. All of it.

For many friends it's faith. What does it mean to trust in the God of the universe? To trust that He sent His only son to die on the cross so that we could be washed and cleansed in the blood of the Lamb and have our sins forgiven, never to be remembered. These friends may not even know that God is working in their hearts. But I can see it. Day by day or week by week... even year by year, God is stirring their affections toward Him. Proving Himself faithful time and time again. Showing them that He is the Ultimate. He is Savior. He is God. Whether they know it or not, they are learning to love the Lord their God with all of their soul. All of it.

For another friend it's peace. What does it mean to totally surrender to God? To know that He has complete control of everything. To know that His plans are the plans and they will ultimately work out for His glory. God is teaching him to trust that His timing is perfect. He's learning that full dependence on God is the only way and that anxious thoughts are not going to bring any glory to God, but instead steal joy away from himself and others. He's learning to love the Lord his God with all of his mind. All of it.

I've never really struggled for a significant period of time with any of these three things. I've given my soul over to the Lord. He has it. Forever. I sometimes worry about the future, usually about non-existent relationships/marriage (combining mind and heart). But these worries and anxieties usually only last for a little while and then I give them over to God.

Now, I don't know if you've noticed (because I didn't), but there are more than three things listed in that verse. It doesn't just stop after "mind"... See it now? The word "strength". I guess I've just completely missed it for the last 20 years (well… those first few years, I wasn't reading much).

A little less than two weeks after returning home from East Asia, I moved into a new apartment. As I lay down in bed that night, I was exhausted. My body was sore, not only from coming off jet-lag, but from moving and putting together furniture, unpacking boxes, and running errands all day. At that moment the Lord brought this verse before me. I just couldn't help but think what it would be like to lay down every night feeling that same amount of exhaustion as I did after moving, but knowing I had spent that day using all of my strength for the Lord. I want that. I desperately want that. I want to know that I am doing everything possible to serve God, point to God, bring Him glory, and draw others to Him. This semester is already proving to be challenging. God is giving me so many opportunities and resources to glorify Him. And I am loving it. It's hard, and it's time-consuming, and it's different, and it's difficult. But I am loving it. I want to continue to grow strong in the Lord. I want to use everything that I am for His kingdom. I want others to see Christ in me. I want to share God’s goodness with everyone. I want to make disciples. God has already taught me to love Him with all of my heart, soul, and mind, but now He is teaching me to love Him, the Lord my God, with all of my strength. All of it.

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic! I love your continuing usage of "All of it." And I think you did a really great job of explaining the four facets of that verse, which truly is a hugely important verse to come completely into terms with. Great job :D
